Spring Break One Loft Race       

2024 Rules & Regulations

1 - Live Clocking by Win-Companion

2 - Perch Fees:    1 Perch Fee:    $125.00 per single bird
                         -  5 Perch Fees:  $600.00 for 5 birds
                         -  8 Perch Fees:  $700.00 for 8 birds
                         - 12 Perch Fees: $1,000.00 for 12 birds    All perch fees are - non refundable

3 - Race Fee: $250.00 per bird due MARCH. 1, 2022 refunded if bird does not go to first race.

4 - Ship birds from APRIL. 15th to JULY 15th, replacements till AUGUST 1st 2021.

5 - Perch Fee due when birds arrive at loft

6 - All 5 races included in Average Speed

7 - Only races 4 & 5 have Capitol prizes.

8 - Capitol prizes paid on the first drop and then clocking order. If the drop is more that 20 pigeons, or the drop can
     not be determined, then only the first 20 birds clocked will be paid.

9 - Ties in the clock will be given the same position number and their winnings added together and divided equally.
     Average Speed paid by the clock. Computed on Total Distance / Total Time by Win-Companion.

10 - Time Out for Darkness - 30 minutes after sundown and 30 minutes before sunrise is dead time

11 - Birds clocked in TOD before midnight given End time of day 1, Birds clocked after midnight in TOD given start
       time of the next day. Flight day times will not be extended due to Clocking of bird in TOD

12 - If a bird does not clock, due to piggy back or clock or chip malfunction, and Race manager verifies the bird is in
       that drop, it will be placed last in that drop.  All birds belong to breeders, no buy backs, no auctions

13 - Financial statement for race prizes will be provided

14 - Race dates are subject to weather

15 - 10% withheld on all fees for expenses, we keep the birds almost a full year..

16 - Birds must be retrieved within 14 days after final race or become property of Spring Break - $60 shipping per box
       plus $10 per bird after 3rd bird.

17 - Loft manager reserves the right to make all final decisions

18 - A completed IRS W-9 form will be required if you should win $600.00 or more.
19 - All birds must be activated to maintain eligibility.
20 - Races Start March 1st  - Gun Lock Reservoir, - UT 102 Miles - Activation Race
       Does not count toward average speed.
21 - After Birds start the race series, birds can not be pull out of the race series for any reason.

2022 Average Speed Races:

  1. MARCH 6th - Moapa, NV - 157 Miles -          free 6 bird team of perch fees for 1st bird in clock.
  2. MARCH 13th - North Las Vegas, NV 195 Miles -        $1000 prize to first bird in the clock
  3. MARCH 20th - Primm, NV - 235 Miles -                      counts toward avg speed
  4. APRIL 4th - Afton, CA - 300 Miles -                            25% of prize fund
  5. APRIL 10th  - Barstow, CA - 350 Miles -                     50% of prize fund
  6.                Overall Average Speed -                    25% of prize fund to the top 10

The above dates are subject to change for weather conditions to give each bird the best possible chance to win.

     This Year again, Dan is offering a colored bird section.

      (White, Red, Mealy, Grizzle, Brown, Dunn, Yellow, Almond Opal etc.)

           Colored Bird incentive:

     $500 for the 1st one home from 235 miles
     $750 for the 1st one home from 300 miles
     $1,000 for the 1st one home from the final 350 mile race.

Daniel Carter
Spring Break 300 One Loft Manager

Contact Info:

Daniel Carter                                OR
P.O. Box 331
Beaver, Utah 84713
Phone: (435) 438-2197
Cell:     (435) 310-0307

Randy Davis
P.O. Box 1767
Beaver, Utah 84713
Phone: (435) 438-1062
Cell:     (435) 691-3226

Race Rules for 2021 Race        www.SpringBreak300.com